Better Work Now.

Join the thousands of partners across North America joining unions.

You deserve better work now.

Starbucks partners are helping set a new standard for baristas and coffee shop workers, bringing them above the minimum wage and closer to a living wage.

Workers need unions more than ever, and when workers are engaged, better working conditions and wages can be achieved. Every worker deserves better.

•Better wages • Improved health & safety • Domestic violence leave • Fairness and job security • And more!

Partners need a voice on the job

Across Canada, things are getting harder for Starbucks partners. But the reality is, it doesn’t need to be this way – you can be part of making positive changes.

More and more partners are realizing that joining a union is the only way to ensure voices are heard and to have the power to affect a better future.

You deserve better from Starbucks.

What do partners think?

Ready to join the United Steelworkers?

Sign an electronic union card today and encourage your fellow partners to join you.

Is your province or territory not listed? Contact us to obtain a physical card.

Contact Monivoi Vataiki at 778-899-2611, mVataiki@USW.CA
OR Q Gaehring at 587-338-3896,

It’s important you know the facts.

Your health & safety, wages, benefits and working conditions don’t reflect the demands that are being made on you every day.

You deserve respect on the job, a safe environment and decent wages that correspond to your work and better conditions.

You can make changes for the better at Starbucks by joining the United Steelworkers union. Thousands of workers every year, across North America make the choice to join USW and enjoy the benefits of a negotiated, legally-binding contract.

Being a union member means you have:

  • The opportunity to negotiate with your employer on wages and benefits - with more bargaining power!

  • A real say in your workplace.

  • A legally-binding contract.

  • A strong collective voice that allows you and your coworkers to deal with management as equals and put an end to “one way” decision-making.

  • A way for your concerns and problems to be taken seriously and resolved.

  • Support and representation when dealing with health and safety and other workplace issues.

  • Access to expert union services to help you negotiate, protect and improve your rights at work.

  • The right to speak up without fear of being disciplined or penalized.

Starbucks doesn’t want you to have better.

Starbucks has openly said unions are unnecessary and has actively engaged in anti-union tactics to discourage partners from joining a union. Starbucks is spending millions of dollars pushing back on partners trying to achieve better working conditions. Shouldn’t Starbucks respect your legal right to union representation? Instead of spending millions fighting back, Starbucks should make real investments to support all partners. The United Steelworkers will never stop fighting for you.

Join us.

Don’t you deserve better work now?

Join the United Steelworkers today!

The first step is speaking with a USW organizer who has the expertise to help you and your co-workers join a union. All inquiries are 100% confidential.

We have a skilled and diverse new member organizing team. Members of our team speak many languages including: French, Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Tagalog and Arabic.

YOU CAN ALSO CALL OR TEXT PABLO AT 236-509-4061 OR DEEPAK AT 778-893-6784.